Today: January 20, 2025
An increasing number of individuals lack awareness regarding the countless processes, tasks, and efforts that go into creating safe, efficient, and enjoyable places to live work, and leisure. In this modern day and age, technology is constantly evolving, and our priorities are evolving with it.
When it comes to facility management, there is a surging demand for preventative maintenance, remote monitoring, and efficient and usable spaces. Smart buildings are one technological solution that’s positively impacting owners and occupants alike.
For those who might not know, a smart building is a facility that can be leveraged in order to improve operations. Smart buildings are enhanced with IoT and AI capabilities. It is worth mentioning that a smart building is connected and controlled through tech developed to control building services and automate processes including but not limited to security, lighting, air conditioning, and mapping.
By now you probably want to know what smart facility management is. Well, this is simply the integration of processes, systems, and technologies used to improve the management of a facility. Smart facility management can appear quite simple or extremely complex, depending on the focus.
It is worth mentioning smart facility management is a technological solution offering facilities managers the necessary tools and insights to adjust the environment based on the needs of employees, customers, occupants, or company expectations.
Smart facility management has the potential to positively affect both people and processes, create change, support data-driven decisions, and improve outcomes. In short, it is all about using technology as a means to an end, and becoming better for it.
With the economy shifting from traditional industry silos to integrated digital ecosystems, it also shifts the interest of building owners to cater to varied customer experiences. When businesses prioritize customer experience, they open the door for endless opportunities to create value and build on it.
The good news is any building can become a smart building with the right technology in place. Among the things that typically make up a smart building include sensors, beacons, applications, automation, and infrastructure free application for smart facilities, to name a few.
The Bottom Line
Be sure to research more on what smart facility management entails before taking the next step of action. It is then that you stand a better chance of reaping maximum benefits the very moment you decide to take this route.
kamariya Weston is a marketing professional and freelance writer based in London. She has a Bachelor's degree in Marketing from the University of Westminster and has worked in the marketing industry for over seven years. kamariya westons writing has been published in various online publications, covering topics such as social media marketing, content marketing, and digital advertising. In her free time, kamariya weston enjoys traveling, cooking, and practicing photography.